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DEERC D50 Image

DEERC D50 Drone Review

If you are an adult and you need a beginner drone to usher you into the game, you will find the DEERC D50 a good buy. It is one of the best beginner drones with camera for adults.

Many adults find the toy drones for children a bit unexciting. Besides, when buying the first quad, you want one that is not too boring. You want to be able to stick with it for several months before you can think of upgrading.

While the D50 has its downsides, it has exciting features and fun flight functions. There are issues with the way it flies. It is a bit jittery, you know, fails to keep a straight line, but you should be fine if you fly it in calm weather.

Another small issue with the drone is that the landing gear seems a bit unstable. Therefore, if you land it too hard, the landing gear might become loose.

It is not foldable, and it does not come with a case. Therefore, you will have to spend extra money to buy a carry-case.

Not to worry though! The pros are more than the cons, so it is a good quad to invest money on.
DEERC D50 Image
DEERC D50 Drone Review