DRONEEYE 4DV12 Mini Drone Review
The DRONEEYE 4D V12 is a small, lightweight mini drone that you will love if you want an introduction to the drone hobby. However, please note that this is a very light drone, so it is likely to be hard to trim it when you fly it even in low velocity winds.
The minimal weight notwithstanding, this good mini can equip you with good piloting skills, in readiness for that big drone that you will buy in future.
Marketed as a drone for kids, it has many good features as well as flight functions. It is fun and very simple to fly.
While adults can outgrow it fast, children will love flying it for a long time. It is camera-enabled, so you will be introducing them to the world of aerial photography.
If you are looking for a good gift for your nine, ten or eleven year old, you can try the DRONEEYE 4DV12 quadcopter. But before you do that, you want to see more details about its features and flight modes.
Some of the things that you might want to be aware of is that it does not have propeller guards so a crash will break the blades. It also lacks the follow me function.
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