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FQ777 F8 Drone

FQ777 F8 Monster Drone Review

The FQ777 F8 GPS 5G WiFi FPV drone is sold with the option of one, two or three batteries. This is a real monster. Looking at its  features, it is possible to see why. With anti-shake shooting feature, brushless motors, long flight time and incredible build, this drone is quite a steal considering its affordable price.

The camera quality is excellent thanks to the high resolution and the stabilizing features. With such features, you may even use this camera drone for professional photo jobs, or perhaps just use it as a backup camera for your professional video and photography gigs. Keep reading as we explore more of the drone’s features in the upcoming sections.

Something to note: This drone is marketed as a 4K camera drone. However, it is really not a 4K. The video resolution is more like 2K.
FQ777 F8 Drone
FQ777 F8 Monster Drone Review