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Teeggi M71

Teeggi M71 Drone Review

Because the Teeggi M71 drone is so easy to control, it is good for kids of the manufacturer-recommended age as well as adult beginners.

Another thing that makes this drone fit for beginners is that the flight range is just shy of 200 feet. Therefore, this quadcopter will never fly out of your sight.

The price of this quadcopter is affordable. If you are looking for a perfect gift for your teenage son or daughter to introduce them to the drone hobby, this will not dent your wallet.

But … low price alone is not enough to make you buy a hobby drone. You want to see its features and flight modes. We will look at those later.

This drone also has some downsides. For instance, some people complain that they cannot find the app for this aircraft.

Checking the Google Play Store, it is hard to find out the app for this quad because a search for the same does not yield any results. Thus, you might have to contact the manufacturer to find out how you can download the app.

Teeggi M71
Teeggi M71 Drone Review