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Drones With Return To Home Feature (RTH)

Return to home (RTH) is an important safety feature for drone pilots on any level. It helps the pilot to bring the drone to safe landing. With the RTH feature you can enjoy flying you drone without being worried that it will crash if the battery is drained or get lost in case it flies out of range.

There are 3 types on Return to Home:

Battery Low RTH – When the drone battery reaches to critical low battery level – the drone automatically returns to home point.

Signal Loss RTH – When the drone lost its connection with the controller. On DJI drones its call “Failsafe RTH”

One Key RTH – when RTH is triggering manually using special key in the controller. Currently most of the drones (even drones under $100) comes with this feature and it’s highly important for beginners.

Please read the drone manual to see how to set your home point and the return to home altitude (to avoid obstacles when using the Return to Home feature).

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Drones With Return To Home Feature (RTH)