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What is Headless Mode in Drones?

On the drone remote controller, you have two joysticks. The left joystick is using for Ascending / Descending and the right joystick for moving the drone Forward / Backward.
Headless mode means that no matter where your drone’s front side is pointing, when you will push the right joystick to the right, the drone will always move to the right (regardless of which direction the drone is facing). When pushing the joystick to the left the drone will go left. When pulling the joystick to you the drone will fly to you, when pushing the joystick forward – the drone will move forward.

ScharkSpark Headless Mode

Without headless mode when the drone front side (where the camera is located) points to you if you push the right joystick to the right the drone will go left. If you will take the joystick to you – the drone will go on the opposite direction and so on.

Headless mode is highly important especially for beginners. When I flew my first drone at the first time I almost lost him… I flew it far from me, And I did not understand why when I take the right joystick on the controller to me the drone goes away… what I did is to land it immediately (it wasn’t GPS drone with auto return home…) and because I flew in an open field, I was able to find it.

Today, headless mode is included in most of the drones including in drones under $100 and even In drones under $50 but it will be good to verify that the headless mode function is exist before buying your first drone:

To Summarize:

The headless mode takes commands in relation to the pilot current orientation and not the drone orientation. This mean that when you will push the right joystick to the right the drone will always go to the right no matter what is the drone orientation if you will push the joystick to the left it will always go to the left and so on.

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