Using drones for fishing purposes gaining more and more popularity these days. The main use is for dropping the bait far from the shoreline. Basically, it’s giving the Fishermen the ability to drop their baits deeper in the sea and drop it on more populated waters including identifying the fishes from above (using the drone camera) and drop the bait directly on them. Also, it gives the fisherman the ability to follow the fish after being caught till reaching to the shore line.
How does it work?
You are connecting the drone to the fishing pole line with the bait and using the drone to deliver the line from the beach and drop the bait remotely in the sea.
Here is one of the best drone fishing attachment is the Sky Rigger. Here is how it work:
You can build simple and cheap dropping mechanism on your own like the example on the video below
What make drone a good drone for fishing?
Range – you need good range in order to scout for good location and to be able to drop the bait far from the cost line. I would recommend on drone with range of more than 400 meters
Battery time – One of the fishing drone uses is for scouting good location to drop the bait and this take time so good battery life is highly important. Also, you need to take into account that carrying the bait and hook causing the drone to work harder and the battery time is going down. I would say drone with at least 20 min fly time from one battery
Camera –You need drone with high quality camera that will give you the ability to see stable picture to be able to see where the fish are.
Payload – this mean how much weight the drone can safely carry. You need drone that will be able carry the bait, hooks, line and the release mechanism.
Waterproof – it’s not a must but nice to have because you are flying above water and mistakes could happen so with water proof drone you are reducing the chances to lose the it
Best Fishing Drones:
Swellpro SplashDrone 4 Waterproof Drone
- Range = 5km (3.1 mile)
- Battery time = 30 Min
- Camera = 4K
- Waterproof = yes
Swellpro SPLASHDRONE 3+ Waterproof Drone
- Range = 1.6 km (1 mile)
- Battery time = 23 Min
- Camera = 4K
- Waterproof = yes
SwellPro Splash Drone 3 Plus Review
- Range = 7km (4.3 miles)
- Battery time = 30 Min
- Camera = 4K
- Waterproof = no
- Range = 1.6km (1 mile)
- Battery time = 25 min
- Camera = 4k
- Waterproof = No
- Range = 5km (3.1 miles)
- Battery time = 23 min
- Camera = 4K
- Waterproof = No
Have tight budget for fishing drone? Consider Buying refurbished drone – How to Buy the Best Drones at Low Costs